To develop a website designed for individuals seeking cars from banks, lenders, and dealers. Users can request loan applications by subscribing to monthly packages offered through Dealerscouter. This platform facilitates easy access to various loan application options while providing a convenient subscription service through DealerScouter's offerings.
Using our technical skills, we developed this website which is easy to use. We transformed this complex idea into simple, user-friendly experiences. Here, people can easily subscribe to get car loan applications from banks, lenders, and dealers by subscribing to monthly packages.
What We Did
Consulting, wireframing, designing, planning, and programming.
Color Palette
OSDSE designers chose four colors for Dealerscouter that truly represent the dynamic and user-friendly nature of their business. These colors were picked carefully to reflect these qualities.
The OSDSE team chose this font very carefully to help visitors read blog posts easily and enjoy the website's content of Dealerscouter.
Primary Reasons To Believe
Our OSDSE designers have created something special known as the "Reason to Believe" section. It's carefully made with short, catchy titles, small explanations, and lovely icons. This unique section is here to reassure visitors, telling them why the business experience is something they can trust and believe in.
Secondary Reasons To Believe
On the homepage and product page, you'll find the main reasons to believe. Also, on the about page, there are additional reasons to believe. These sections have short titles and catchy items to make sure everything works well for vistors.
Primary Benefits
The OSDSE designers carefully made the main advantages to show how the product helps. They used images with titles and tire icons to represent each benefit.
Secondary Benefits
On the homepage, visitors will find the main benefits. But when they head to the products page, there are additional benefits. These extra benefits are designed to provide more value, all arranged to give them the best user experience possible.
Secondary Hero
The homepage features a stunning video as the main focus. Other pages have smaller images with playful designs and titles, aiming to introduce and ensure visitors get the best experience and information.
The catalog has nicely designed sections and a prominent download button. Visitors can easily view the catalog they need and download it with just one click.
Brand Wall
The home page showcases a wall of brand logos, demonstrating the company's partnerships. This displays and enhances customer satisfaction and a secure customer experience.
Happy users can post their reviews, designed by OSDSE designers to showcase testimonials effectively. Visitors can see the review, the person's name, a picture, and easy navigation buttons to move between different testimonials.
We made the packages section with care. It has a big title and price, plus different benefits below. Also, there's a clear button for users to click and subscribe to the package.
The OSDSE designers crafted the team section on the "About" page. Visitors can view the team members and feel secure, establishing a good connection with the company.
Frequently Asked Questions
The clean and attractive design for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) allows users to easily view and access the answers by clicking on the questions.
Featured Blog Post
We nicely designed featured blog posts that allow website owners to showcase posts. Each post displays a big, attractive picture alongside a title and a brief description.
Blog Post Card
Visitors can check out more blog posts with an appealing title, picture, and description. Each card is designed beautifully to attract the visitor's attention.
Contact Form
The OSDSE designers have created a carefully assembled contact form. Visitors can easily reach the website owner by filling in a few details.
Login / Signup Form
Just like the contact form, the OSDSE designers made the sign-up and login form, focusing on the best user experience.
Welcome Message
When users login or sign up, they'll see a friendly welcome message and details in a user-friendly manner designed by us.
Subscribed Package
The subscription package in the user account panel resembles the product package with a few differences. It's nicely designed and offers options for users to either upgrade or cancel the package.
Profile Change
Like the contact form and signup form, the OSDSE designers made the account detail form, focusing on the best user experience.
Not Found
We've created a special "Not Found" page. It prominently displays a 404 error at the top and provides a short message indicating that the page was not found. It also offers visitors a clear option to return to the home page using a prominent button.
The OSDSE designers set up the header and footer of the website so they match perfectly, which makes it easy for visitors to move around and find what they need on every page.
Design Wall
Wireframe Wall
Cloud Wall
Website Development
Website Design